The EDRA/GHIN Scope 3 Initiative and Scope 3 Strategy and Roadmap
EDRA/GHIN is recognised as the voice for the global DIY sector. It represents 230 DIY and home improvement companies operating over 35,000 stores in 78 countries, covering the entire spectrum of the industry, from local corner shops to digital players and big box retailers.
In June 2023, EDRA/GHIN President Thierry Garnier and General Secretary John W. Herbert launched their Scope 3 Initiative at the 9th Global DIY Summit in Berlin.
Later that year, they announced a partnership with Ricardo, the world-renowned strategic, environmental, and engineering consultancy, to help the industry identify and reduce scope 3 emissions.
Together they have developed a Scope 3 Strategy and Roadmap, which details a clear set of actions that DIY retailers can take to catalyse value chain decarbonisation, starting with signing a crucial decarbonisation commitment.
“As retailers, reducing emissions in how our products are made and used is our biggest challenge, but it’s also an opportunity.” Thierry Garnier, President EDRA/GHIN, CEO Kingfisher
Download the Scope 3 Strategy and Roadmap
In September 2024 the Scope 3 initiative was renamed Make it Zero.

Provide specific carbon accounting guidance focused at helping members and suppliers understand their emissions and drive reductions.
When calculating emissions, there are standards to adhere to, but the methodology that is applied can vary depending on the quality of available data and the level of complexity an organisation can manage at that time. Achieving better quality carbon accounting is an iterative process, with members at the start of their journey using more basic methodologies than those who have had more time to improve the granularity of their data.
Unite behind ambitious targets to decarbonise the sector.
Reducing scope 3 emissions across the sector requires each member to set targets. For these targets to have a meaningful impact they need to be aligned with climate science. Our research showed that many members are yet to set a Scope 3 target, so education and guidance that is needed to help members set robust and ambitious decarbonisation targets. Targets are fundamental in incentivising action, so a key action is to publish a set of decarbonisation targets which members can commit to.
Supplier Data:
Collaborate with members and suppliers to improve data availability and data quality for carbon reporting
Our engagement across the EDRA/GHIN membership revealed significant interdependencies between retailer requirements, product-level regulation and policy and supplier manufacturing and product development. Addressing the challenges around Scope 3 emissions requires coordinated action across the entire supply chain to share data in a clear and consistent format for corporate carbon accounting. With the more complex sharing of data, challenges around the management of data will arise. Anticipating this, the taskforce will research and recommend a data platform for sharing supplier data.
Engagement and Reduction:
Engage with suppliers to decarbonise member supply chains.
All members are looking for opportunities to decarbonise their supply chains to meet their decarbonisation targets. With so many similarities in products, suppliers and operations across the sector, communicating best practices, sharing guidance, and connecting as a sector is fundamental for all members to know how to reduce their emissions. This pillar focuses on providing clear guidance to encourage engagement with suppliers, and ultimately drive decarbonisation action.
Roadmap to Decarbonisation:
The key milestones under each action area can be seen in the Roadmap, with many actions being delivered in June 2024, with the launch of the strategy. With actions being taken to progress the sector being completed throughout 2024 and 2025.