Introduction to the Decarbonisation Commitment

EDRA / GHIN recognise it is essential that the home improvement industry plays a significant role in carbon emissions reduction and building a future of retail centred on sustainability. Make it Zero, a global initiative to support the decarbonisation of the Do-it-Yourself (DIY) and Home Improvement Sector was launched at the 4th Virtual DIY-Summit in September 2024. This trailblazing comprehensive sustainability initiative represents a transformative commitment to achieving net-zero carbon emissions across the entire DIY and Home Improvement Sector supply chain. Essential near-term targets are set for 2035, and long-term targets are to achieve a minimum 90% reduction in absolute emissions by 2050.

What are decarbonisation targets?

Decarbonisation is the process of removing carbon emissions that have occurred because of your organisation's operations. Decarbonisation targets are objectives for the reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions associated with your organisation. This includes what emissions are to be covered, the baseline year of emission against which progress will be measured, the reductions in emissions to be achieved and the endpoint by which these reductions will be achieved. 

Make it Zero have developed a corporate target and supplier engagement target supported by 10 target principles which can be used to assist in defining decarbonisation targets. These closely follow the Paris Climate Agreement which aimed to keep the global rise this century to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5°C. Targets are considered “science-based” if they are in line with what the latest climate science says is necessary to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.


Why should you set a decarbonisation target?

In addition to playing your role in reducing the impacts of climate change having a decarbonisation target has direct benefits for your organisation. There are operational benefits such as increased operational efficiency and improved ability to secure contracts, sales and finance. It will also help you futureproof your organisation by looking ahead to identify risks and making plans to avoid them, avoiding increased costs and potentially carbon payments and increasing resilience in your supply chain. 


How do you set a decarbonisation target?

Make it Zero have developed decarbonisation targets for the sector which can be used as a template for your own targets. This can then be tailored to your organisation by looking at your current emissions and the feasible methods to reduce them. Make it Zero have developed additional guidance on Scope 3 GHG accounting guide and decarbonisation target setting to support in this. 

The Decarbonisation Commitment

Corporate target
Supplier engagement target

Decarbonisation Commitment - 10 Principles

MAKE IT ZERO have developed 10 guiding principles to support the targets. The aim of these is to provide detail and clarity as to what the sector targets mean by providing a succinct and readily understandable summary of the targets and thus ensure signatories set robust targets and follow best practice.